We have a 100% Graduation Rate!

American Academy Diploma in Education, Development, Teaching and Human Resource Development


Tax creation service is one of the services that our company can avail. “Any participant who has participated in any course or member of any organization or member of any company can become a carrier of the tax under our rules That the person's full information is in the tax.

Tax fee is only $150
A $30 shipping fee will be charged.

This qualification depends on the level, leadership, personality and knowledge level of this participant.

We focus on the development of developing societies and countries by training people and opening courses and seminars their development and training.

We focus on people who have an impact on society and the ability to improve and innovate, so we support and collaborate with them.

Note: Our organization is not responsible for the misuse of certificates by our subscribers.

We are committed to protecting public rights, human rights laws and domestic law Therefore, in case of any violation by our subscribers immediately their membership We will cancel it.

When we suspect someone, we directly notify the security forces of this country of possible fraud in providing information to our agency

We reserve the right to follow up on anyone
That he should ask us for a certificate